Democrat Chauna Banks has
continued a running campaign to close a landfill with allegations that it
causes cancer. An environmental alarmism groups, the Louisiana Environmental
Action Network, has joined her cause.
claims that everybody in a neighborhood near Ronaldson Field, St. Irma Lee,
in “recent” years who has died has done so from cancer. She
also asserts that landfills like that pose unusual cancer risks to nearby
residents. She opposes renewal of the landfill’s permit, due next year.
For its part, LEAN notes a higher incidence of cancer in the area relative to other averages, and states that “we do not have enough information to say there is no problem, and the data we do have suggests there is a problem.” Naturally, neither statement is true.
Cancer rates, according to the Louisiana Tumor
Registry, are 13 percent higher in that area’s census block from 2006-14. But the
mean incidence isn’t statistically different from the state’s average. Regardless,
nobody can gauge the impact of this landfill relative to all other presumed
causes of cancer, but logically it would be close to zero – if properly regulated
landfills cause cancer at all, which the latest
research puts in doubt.
If you want to look for far more likely sources of
cancer around the landfill, consider that its population is almost entirely racially
black. Dispensing with the fake data peddled by Banks and dubious assertions
promulgated by LEAN, real
science notes cancer incidence, particularly among males, higher among blacks
generally. Further, largely lifestyle factors – even
as basic as dietary choices – appear to explain much of these differences.
Banks, of course, is no stranger to making headlines
for stupid behavior and remarks. She has drawn
attention for questionable, if not illegal campaign expenses; insensitive
remarks made to other Council members; flogging
the myth that police unjustifiably killed petty criminal Alton Sterling;
and taking
part in a movement trying to take advantage of former Councilman Buddy
Amoroso’s death to stack the Council in liberal Democrats’ favor. This incident
just adds to the list.
It all serves the left’s goal of using a green agenda to justify government greater control over the economy, as a means to increased wealth redistribution that translates into greater political power – even at the cost of needlessly scaring some people and damaging opportunity for others.
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