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"Partisan" Democrat code for opposition to their policies

Befitting the name of this space, I will use my advanced education in political science to translate for readers what some members of the Louisiana Legislature mean when they say certain things. But, if readers want a summary of what it all means without this detailed explanation, they merely need to read the last quote from the previous posting.

When asked whether partisan behavior, meaning whether factions will form largely along partisan groupings in the 2007 Louisiana Legislature to contest things, will continue to increase in incidence, a number of such individuals replied:

1. Democrat House Speaker Pro-Tem Yvonne Dorsey, said “I would like to think that the partisan politics would take a backseat to some of the pressing issues we need to deal with. We should focus on those policy issues that really need to be addressed just like the governor has done in her executive budget.”

Translation: “Any opposition to Democrats equals ‘partisan’ and is bad. Agreement with Democrats is ‘responsible’ and good. Any opposition to the liberal ideology in Gov. Kathleen Blanco’s budget is bad for the state because, while it would try to reverse the liberal populism that has made Louisiana the least livable state in the Union, it would threaten our power.”

2. State Sen. Rob Marionneaux, a Democrat, said: “Unfortunately, it seems as though partisan politics is now come into Louisiana. Within the last three or four years, it seems that partisan politics has really taken hold in Louisiana, and that’s regrettable.”

Translation: “Things were nonpartisan and great when Republicans were too weak in numbers and will to stop whatever Democrats wanted to do. Now that they are actually acting like a political party and blocking Democrats’ will, this is bad because Democrats are always right and we know better how to run people’s lives than they do themselves.”

3. Democrat state Sen. Cleo Fields said Republicans are talking out of both sides of their mouths. “You cannot give tax breaks to the tune of $300 million on one hand and on the other hand say we can’t spend money,” Fields said. “We have to be fiscally responsible on both fronts.”

Translation: “I am an economic moron who cannot understand that tax breaks of any and all kinds put money in the hands of the private sector which uses it more productively and for the greater benefit of all the state’s residents than if it stayed in the hands of government, because it will spur economic growth that will create more revenues than if we spent it on reservoirs, football teams, and shell-game nonprofit agencies.”

4. State Sen. Bill Cassidy, a Republican, said “Personal spending is more important than government spending as far as long-term benefits. We are losing talented people to other states partly because of income taxes.”

Translation: none needed. Cassidy makes a compelling argument clearly backed by real-world experience and empirical data. If his views are indicative of those of new legislators coming into the Legislature over the next year, we have great reason to be optimistic about the state’s future.

By now, the lesson should be clear and really doesn’t require any advanced degrees, just common sense, to grasp. In the warped view of state legislative Democrats, “partisan” is when you don’t go along with them no matter how stupid their policies are. If so, let’s hope for a very partisan 2007 regular session.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The observation of how "partisan" is used by politicians is true, but it cuts both ways. Republicans certinaly do the same just as Democrats do. To me, this blog seems pretty partisan.