Yesterday, HB
141 by state Rep. Kevin Pearson
got tuned up so badly by the House and Governmental Affairs
Committee that it got put up life support with the plug scheduled to be
pulled by session’s end. The bill would have scrapped the requirement that at
least 60 days before introduction any bill affecting retirement systems have
notice of it printed in the state’s official journal, currently (as it has been
for decades) the Baton Rouge Advocate.
The Constitution
requires this publication, at no cost to the state.
In front of the committee,
Pearson laid out a very simple case for it. There’s nothing special about these
bills that forces their publishing in agate that could not be done elsewhere.
For example (one he did not use but which his bill would permit), why not put
them in the Louisiana Register, where the effort to put them out there might
cost pennies a bill, if even that, as opposed to the estimated $40 apiece coughed
up to The Advocate?